Music Education
"It is good to praise the Lord and make music to your name, O Most High" Psalm 92:1
At Upton Lake Christian School we seek to glorify God as we sing and make music from our hearts to the Lord. (Ephesians 5:19). Students in our music program learn the fundamentals of music theory to prepare to read and notate music, sing, compose, play instruments and worship. In our chapel and concert experiences we give witness to God’s love, grace, power and faithfulness through our musical presentations.

Music is an important part of a young child’s growth and development. Our early elementary students engage in thematic music and movement units to develop coordination, listening skills, creative expression, and rhythmic movement to internalize the beat. Students begin to develop their fine motor skills and music making with classroom rhythm instruments and the glockenspiel. Our young students enjoy a Music & Literature Program that unites a love for books with music that engages the learner with musical and rhythmic phrases that repeat throughout the story.

Older elementary students continue with vocal development, the ability to read and notate music, to study composers and to appreciate music from various time periods and countries. Older students apply their music theory knowledge to play instruments such as the glockenspiel, recorder, hand bells, rhythm instruments and band instruments.
Music 7/8 includes music theory, music appreciation, music history, composers, and an introduction to multicultural instruments. They apply their musical skills to play one semester of guitar and one semester of piano with a final presentation leading chapel worship.
Our high school musicians often participate in chapel worship and the annual talent show.
All students have the opportunity to work together to put on the Spring Concert and Art Show. Elementary students learn songs and sing under the direction of the music teacher. Students can also act, create artwork, and make and move props.
Art Education

High school students often incorporate art into their other studies as well. Here, students in 8th-10th grade English classes created decorative masks related to the literature they were reading.
The Spring Concert and Art Show gives the entire school the opportunity to work together to develop their skills in the performing and visual arts. Upper elementary students are the main actors, other elementary students sing and recite Bible verses, and the high schoolers help build the set and move props.