K - 6 Bible Curriculum
Kindergarten: Chronological and topical studies of the Old and New Testaments, Bible characters including Adam and Eve, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Joseph, Moses, Samson, Samuel, David, Daniel, Jonah, and Christ. Topics include Creation, learning about the Bible, the life of Christ, prayer, and missions. Lessons for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter.
Grades 1-2: Focus on the foundational teachings of the Bible, including the nature and character of God, qualities of His people and His church, an overview of the Bible, God's attributes, biblical characters, the early church and what it means to know Jesus and live for Him. Old Testament figures, Ruth, David, Elijah, Nehemiah, Esther, Daniel, Job and New Testament figures, Jesus, Peter and Paul.
Grades 3-4: Focus in grade 3 on the New Testament: We cover the Birth, Life, Death and Resurrection of Jesus sharing the Gospel message! We explore what it means to be a friend and a friend of Jesus and how friends tell others good news. We explore the Apostle Paul and how God can forgive us and we look at Paul's mission to the gentile believers. We finally look at ourselves and who we are as the church with a look into our own gifts and how we can use them for Jesus. Focus in grade 4 on the Old Testament. We look at creation and the consequences of sin. We explore how sin's consequences can explain all the bad in the world today. We look at answering apologetics questions about this. We then concentrate on the Abrahamic Covenant and focus on how God keeps His promises. Next we move into God's covenant with Israel and how the sacrificial system of blood was put in place. We look at how Israel could not keep God's laws and failed over and over again. This will help us with our own failures and mistakes. Lastly we look at the Nation of Israel as God promised Abraham. God keeps His promises to Abraham and He keeps His promises to us today.
Grades 5-6: Focus on the foundational teachings of the Bible, including the nature and character of God, qualities of His people and His church, including chapters titled, God’s Grand Design, Before Foundation, Through the Covenant, Under the Blood, Royal Home, God’s Providence, Life of Jesus, Incarnate Word, Ends of the Earth.
K - 6 Language Arts Curriculum
In elementary Language Arts phonics, reading, writing, and spelling are connected - woven together to provide students with a solid language-arts foundation. The Foundations and Frameworks program, using authentic literature for reading skill development, selected for each student’s ability level, is used throughout the elementary grades.
Kindergarten: Letter and sound recognition, writing all upper and lower case letters, beginning phonics skills, sight words, writing words and sentences, basic punctuation, beginning capitalization, reading strategies, comprehension and fluency.
Grade 1: Expand on phonics skills, expand on reading strategies, guided reading and independent reading, reading for comprehension, beginning grammar skills, punctuation, capitalization, beginning parts of speech, introduction to the writing process, simple book reports, journal writing.

Grade 2: Parts of speech, sentence structure and usage, writing skills with time-order paragraph, friendly letter, poems, paragraphs, and a research project
Grades 3-4: In grades 3 and 4, the focus is similar, but grade 4 is required to commit to more detail, greater length, and a more finished look. Sentence structure, writing mechanics, time-ordered and instructional writing, letter writing, conducting a study of nouns, verbs & adjectives, comparing and contrasting writing with persuasive intent, analysis of fiction writing with a focus on character development, setting and plot structures, writing our own fiction children's book or storyboard a comic strip, practicing research methods, outlining and note-taking in a paper-presentation to be shared with the school. If we have time at the end of the year, we explore different forms of poetry.
Grade 4: Emphasis on independent reading and skill development, English grammar and usage, as well as practice with essential reference skills for using dictionaries and encyclopedias. Parts of speech and sentence structures are examined in detail to help students gain a mastery of grammar. The writing process is explained in a step-by-step manner to be implemented in a variety of writing assignments, such as a personal narrative, a research report, and a business letter.
Grade 5: Emphasis on independent reading and skill development and traditional grammar as well as practice with reference skills and step-by-step use of the writing process for eight different types of writing assignments, such as compare-contract essays and persuasive business letters. Practice and reinforcement with resource skills using thesaurus and writing models, abbreviations, prepositions, homophones, and diagramming models.
Grade 6: Reading skill development through the Foundations and Frameworks program using authentic literature, selected for each student’s ability level. Writing and grammar includes work with parts of speech, personal narrative, newspaper editorial, research project, historical fiction, compare-contrast, essay, poetry and a cover letter. Expository, persuasive, descriptive and narrative writing are used throughout these exercises.
K-6 Math Curriculum
Kindergarten: Numbers through 100, count to 100 by twos, fives, and tens, sorting patterning, graphing, measurement, time to the hour and half hour, introduction to money, simple addition and subtraction, solving word problems
Grade 1: Patterns, addition and subtraction facts to 18, two-digit addition and subtraction, introduction to geometry and fractions, counting to 100, place value, graphs, time, money, measurement, word problems, critical thinking skills
Grade 2: Addition and subtraction facts to 18, place value, money, time, geometry and fractions, measurements, two digit addition and subtraction, computation skills and word problems
Grade 3: Place value, review of addition and subtraction facts, multiplication and division facts from 0 to 18, money, geometry, measurements, graphs, time, money, and problem-solving
Grade 6: Numerical expressions and equations, decimals, number theory and fraction concepts, operations with fractions, rate, ratio, and proportion, percentages, algebra - integers and rational numbers, inequalities, equations, and graphs, geometry - lines, angles, polygons and circles, measurement calculations, data, graphs and probability
K-6 Science Curriculum
The science curriculum leads students to see God’s hand in the world around them. The material and process of inquiry will enrich their knowledge of creation, affirm their faith in the Creator, and empower them to be good stewards of creation.
Kindergarten: Appreciating God's creation, learning about birds, bugs, magnets, seasons, water, human bodies, weather, rocks, oceans, sun, moon, plants, and animals. Experiencing hands-on activities.
Grade 2: Bones and muscles, health and safety, animals, liquids and solids, position and motion, buoyancy and boats
Grade 3: Circulatory and respiratory system, plants, forces and electricity, heat and temperature, soil, natural resources, and structures
Grade 4 and 5: Scientific investigations, force and motion, organ systems, weather, minerals, rocks & earth’s structures
Grade 6: Scientific investigations for the immune and nervous systems, diversity of life, energy, electricity, matter, weather, flight
K-6 Social Studies Curriculum
The social studies curriculum, supported by the Bob Jones University Press Heritage Studies text, integrates Bible, citizenship, cultures, economics, geography, government and history to reveal God’s wisdom, omnipotence, sovereignty and benevolence in the world around us.
Kindergarten: Geography: US landmarks. History: Native Americans, colonial life. Culture: families, community helpers, Hispanic culture, Bible times, farming, American celebrations.
Grades 2 -3 : United States history from early explorers and Native Americans to the Civil War.
Grades 4 - 5: United States history from the creation of the car in the late 1800s through the 2015 Clean Power plan, include the invention and influence of the automobile and airplane, World War I, the Roaring Twenties, the Great Depression, World War II, the Vietnam War, struggles over civil rights, the war on terror, Afghanistan and Iraq wars, and immigration decisions
Grade 6: Historical beginnings, Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt, Israel, India, China, Persia, Greece, and Rome, the Byzantine Empire, Mesoamerican, Ancient Africa, Japan and the Middle Ages in Europe